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The Southshore of Boston desperately needs empowered, healthy churches with skillful, yet humble servant leaders to show people the peace and wholeness a kingdom-minded church community can bring. We are called to be that church.


Victory Vision

We carry out this mission by helping Victory Church members live for Jesus in such a way so that unbelievers and those who have been turned off by church in the past can see a healthy example of what church is supposed to be - a people of diverse backgrounds who have become one family that is called to build the next generation of servant leaders for Jesus. We focus on growing disciples of all ages who have a strong biblical apologetic, and who maintain a consistent witness to the world outside the church.


Our Strong Convictions

Victory Church is a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, and multi-generational group of people who come together as one family, to celebrate God’s presence through contemporary worship, prayer, and insightful, yet practical bible teaching. Victory Church is dedicated to growing people in their faith, reaching the world for Jesus, and for providing ministries of excellence to children and youth.

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